Boarding Form

Boarding Form

Reston Animal Hospital, PLLC

Boarding Application

I will be boarding my pets at Reston Animal Hospital, Pricing is below 


Dogs (all sizes) $30.00 

Cats $20.00.


-Small top $30.00

-Large top $35.00

-Small bottom $45.00

-Large Bottom $50.00

-Extra Large Run $60.00 (dogs will have room to jump around and play)



be boarded in the same cage/run.

I have been informed that in a situation where pets are boarded in the same cage, it can be exceedingly difficult for us to monitor if both pets are eating (or if one pet is eating all of the food overnight).

5. Fecal checks are required for all pets to board at RAH.  Monitoring defecation can be difficult when pets are caged together if anyone has an “accident” in the cage.  I understand my pets will be separated until any required fecal samples have been collected. 

I understand that I will be required to pay for boarding 2 dogs even if my pets board together the entire time.  The boarding charges are not just for cage space; they are for feeding, walking, and caring for your pets during their stay.

I understand that, sometimes in a boarding situation, pets do not always behave the way they do at home. I have read and signed Reston Animal Hospital “Disclosure Form” and am aware of their staffing hours and that my pets will not be monitored 24 hours per day. I understand that if Reston Animal Hospital witnesses ANY type of altercation (ie growling, snapping, one pet preventing another from eating), the pets will be separated immediately and will not be given the opportunity to be caged together in the future. I agree to pay any costs incurred by Reston Animal Hospital in the event that one of my pets injures the other and requires medical treatment. I furthermore agree not to Reston Animal Hospital liable or responsible in any way for any injuries inflicted on either pet by the other.

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